De Digitale Zorg

Healthcare professionals want to provide good care. Mobile devices and remote support should support your ambitions

De Digitale Zorg arose from the need of healthcare organizations to report care given to the client. However, we saw that the design of tablets and smartphones was often an afterthought, which obviously did not promote their use. That makes sense, because the core task of healthcare organizations is to provide care, not to keep hardware and software running. That's why we decided to help healthcare organizations without a large IT department.

Services based on your needs

We started managing mobile devices for healthcare professionals. We use Mobile Device Management to set up all smartphones and tablets the same and then manage them remotely. Since the start of the pandemic, the demand for remote management has increased. Employees no longer have to return to the office if they have problems, but can always call us on the client's doorstep to solve the problem.

Our services have now been expanded to include client satisfaction surveys. This service was also born from the need we saw among our customers: traditional surveys yielded too few results and often too late. We can make a difference! That is why, in addition to workplace management and remote-support, we also conduct satisfaction surveys, but by telephone. This makes the research  personal, faster and more extensive.

Do you also want to improve the quality of care? Contact us for the options:

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healthcare organizations using our services


managed smartphones and tablets remotely

Business partners

Digital Care works with a number of partners to guarantee complete care for our customers. Together we ensure that you can work mobile and register care with the client without any problems.


E-ZORG (KPN) is our platform for secure messaging


ODIDO is our partner for connectivity


VODAFONE is our partner for device management