Customer satisfaction surveys for healthcare institutions

What goes well and what can be done better? Your clients know!

Your clients know best what is going well and what could be improved. Regardless of whether a client satisfaction survey is mandatory or not: such a survey is always a smart choice. However, you don't want to burden your clients too much with complicated surveys and you don't want to wait too long for the results. That is why De Digitale Zorg offers the telephone client satisfaction survey. This makes it easier for your clients to respond and for us to ask further questions where necessary. You will also receive the results quickly, so that you immediately know what you can improve.

Would you like to know where you can still improve? Contact us to start your satisfaction survey.

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The benefits of client satisfaction research

  • More and faster feedback: we conduct the survey by telephone. This means you will receive results faster and receive feedback from more clients;
  • Quantitative and qualitative research: the research is designed as a survey, but we also ask questions to find out why a client gives a certain answer. This way, the feedback does not get stuck in generalities, but you know exactly what you are doing well and what could be improved;
  • Escalation if needed: ​​if a client has a problem that is not yet known within the organization, we escalate it to the manager. This way, unspoken matters are not left to simmer for too long;
  • Reports within a month: you will receive the results within a month. By following up with clients by telephone, we can collect feedback more quickly;
  • Multiple contact moments per year: do you want to continuously improve? We can provide reports based on your indivual needs.

A different approach...

Most research agencies that conduct client satisfaction research work with e-mails and forms by post. We have chosen a different approach, because the response to e-mail and post is often too low to draw a good conclusion. Reminders also need to be made more often, because emails and mail are quickly forgotten.

By calling clients or family members personally, we make it easier for them to respond. They are approached proactively, which increases the number of people who respond. The answers we collect are also more extensive, since we can ask further questions. This method appears to be more pleasant for the client and more informative for the healthcare organization.

Would you also like to know what is going on with your clients? Contact us for the client satisfaction survey.

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Contact us to discuss your challenges with your mobile workplace in healthcare or client satisfaction surveys.

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